Kevin Leman – The Birth Order Book (1982)
De eerste paar stellingen in het boek lijken zo uit een veredelde horoscoop afkomstig. Echter, naarmate het boek vordert, lijkt er van toevalstreffers steeds minder sprake. Je voelt je soms zelfs enigszins door de auteur betrapt. Aanrader voor lezers met een jong gezin (i.e., twee verschillende referentiekaders) en indien het onderwerp nog onbekend is.

When both parents are firstborns, they’ll probably be extra hard on their firstborn child as they exert their own exacting standards and learn how to parent at the same time
The qualities of a firstborn: perfectionist, reliable, conscientious, a list maker, well organized, hard driving, a natural leader, critical, serious, scholarly, logical, doesn’t like surprise, a techie
Firstborns basically learn from adults. No wonder they’re so willing to break their necks to be right, on time, and organized.
The key to help the discouraged perfectionist who procrastinates: commit to finish one thing before starting another
Secondborns will probably be somewhat the opposite of firstborns
"A second child will be inclined to believe [...] there is no power in the world which cannot be overthrown"
- Alfred Adler (psychologist)
Parents get all ’taught out’ by the time the lastborn arrives. The tendency is to let the lastborn sort of shift for him/herself.