Dave Trott – The Power Of Ignorance (2021)
Om iets te bereiken moet er soms naar een creatieve oplossing gezocht worden. Omgekeerd, soms leidt een gebrek aan creativiteit tot het tegenovergestelde resultaat van hetgeen werd beoogd. Dit boek beschrijft vermakelijke casuïstiek ter illustratie van beide scenario’s. De auteur schrijft in ‘staccato’ stijl, waardoor je blijft doorlezen.

It may well be that creativity is the last unfair advantage we’re legally allowed to take over the competition.
“Those that say it can’t be done, shouldn’t get in the way of those that are doing it”
- Chinees gezegde
Reason is the slave of the passions; an exciting lie is more attractive than a boring truth.
“We have to entertain in order to educate, because the other way round doesn’t work”
- Walt Disney
The amount of words used is inversely proportional to action.
We should be trying to provoke a response, especially from someone bigger. By making them spend their money doing our advertising for us.
“Think big, if you’re not embarrassed by it you’re not thinking big enough”
- Damien Hirst
When a bunch of people decide they’re the ones that are important, and they don’t need to discuss their part with anyone else, guess what happens.