Reading Frenzy
One of the best things about reading is when you come across an explicitly stated idea that confirms an unconscious opinion or habit. Recently, I have been reading quite a lot, and thoroughly enjoying doing so.

But I felt a little guilty, felt I should be doing something more productive with my time. Until I read this:
“I did what I always do when I try to understand something. I read. Anything that could help shed light on what was happening, that would allow me to regain some semblance of control. And in my reading frenzy, I came across…”
This passage is from ‘The Biggest Bluff‘ (2020) by Maria Konnikova. A very entertaining book, combining the best of nonfiction with an adventure. And now I finally knew what I was doing: I was amidst a reading frenzy.
It took me another couple of books until I decided to keep notes, though. The upside is that have an excuse to re-read a substantial amount of excellent books:
- David Epstein – Range (2019) – [5/5]
- Rory Sutherland – Alchemy (2018) – [5/5]
- James Clear – Atomic Habits (2018) – [5/5]
- Safi Bahcall – Loonshots (2019) – [5/5]
- Chris Guillebeau – The $100 Startup (2012) – [5/5]
- David Sinclair – Lifespan (2019) – [4/5]
- Peter Diamandis – The Future Is Faster Than You Think (2020) – [4/5]
- Cal Newport – Digital Minimalism (2019) – [4/5]
- Chris Voss – Never Split The Difference (2016) – [4/5]
- Simon Sinek – The Infinite Game (2019) – [4/5]
- David Epstein – The Sports Gene (2014) – [4/5]
- Dave Trott – Creative Blindness (2019) – [3/5]
In time, I’ll share the notes. However, I have a fair amount of books just waiting for their first read, so I can’t promise. As Naval Ravikant said in his blog:
“I don’t want to read all the books; I just want to read the best 100 over and over again.”