Ben Horowitz – The Hard Thing About Hard Things (2014)
Het leven van een CEO van een techbedrijf is geen sprookje. Een bloemlezing uit de dagelijkse praktijk van de auteur, thans durfinvesteerder. Het persoonlijke verhaal/aspect maakt het zeker de moeite van het lezen waard.

Most business relationships either become too tense to tolerate or not tense enough to be productive after a while. Either people challenge each other to the point where they don’t like each other or they become complacent about each other’s feedback and no longer benefit from the relationship.
If we hadn’t treated the people who were leaving fairly, the people who stayed would never have trusted again.
Whenever a large organization attempts to do anything, it always comes down to a single person who can delay the entire project.
Take care of the people, the products, and the profits – in that order.
"Hire for strength rather than lack of weakness"
– Colin Powell, US secretary of state
The most important difference between big and small companies is the amount of time running versus creating. A desire to do more creating is the right reason to want to join your company.
Every really good, really experienced CEO I know shares one important characteristic: they tend to opt for the hard answer to organizational issues.
Advice to entrepreneurs: embrace your weirdness, your background, your instinct.